Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Veliko Turnovo at Night

On our walk to dinner we came across a dance studio doing salsa.
It must have been 110 degrees F in there.  People were sweating like Macedonians (regional joke...you'd have to be here.)
Quick story:  one guy comes out of studio and plops down on curb with his sweaty head in his hands.  Girlfriend pokes her head out of studio berating him for quitting, and to get back in there.  We don't understand one word, but Kevin and I make up a whole scenario where the boyfriend begrudgingly agreed to do the dance class because his domineering girlfriend held over his head that "Georg at work (who they both know is into her) says he LOVES dancing and will TOTALLY do it if you don't want to."  And in the middle of the 120 degree class, where it's turned out to be worse than he feared and he's constantly scolded for "doing it wrong" and "embarrassing her" he snaps, leaves the class in the middle of it, and questions his whole life...
Foolishly diving back into the rakia, or as Dan called it, "fire water."
Eat and drink everything on the menu, including a 1kg grilled mixed meat extravaganza...total is only 40 euro.  Great and lengthy discussion of death, religion, and the philosophies of regret and forgiveness.  Close the place down...
Foolishly try and take different walk back to hotel.  Kevin throws pebbles into dark alley to stir up any "street dogs or zombies" that are likely to be hiding in the shadows.

1 comment:

  1. A. It's NEVER too hot for salsa!
    B. OMG how many times does Kos change shirts per day!?!
